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Posts tagged “Evangelism

Separating the Sheep from the Goats

Separating the Sheep from the Goats.

Everyone go by and check out the above link. It is very inspiring and really gives insight on our daily walk!

God Bless,

Street Minista

Out to Lunch

The life of a Christian and the calling that God has on our lives is not like a 9-5 where we work sometime and we are off other times. It is a full time commision that we are to persue every minute of everyday. I find that some people want to have a sign that says, “OUT TO LUNCH” when they get around certain people and when they are in certain atmospheres. This is just an impossibility if we are living this life the way we are called to live it. The devil doesn’t stop working just because it is after 5 and he doesn’t go out to lunch just because he gets around certain people. God wants us to realize that it is not a decision to live the Christian life but it is a lifestyle. I pray that God help us to examine our lives and see if we are one of the ones who try to make God’s business a 9-5, or are we full time around the clock sold out fanatics?

The Purpose of Life

Ever wonder what your purpose in life is, or maybe what you’re supposed to do, maybe just, why? why all the drama? Well if so you’re not alone. Millions of people find themselves asking these questions every day. I too used to wonder these very things! A man said to me today, “I hurt, my family don’t want me, and I barely make ends meet, WHY?” “Why, Anthony,” he asked, and I told him what I felt God was saying. Jesus said, I came to do nothing but the will of my Father, I can only do or say what I see and hear of Him! I have come to find that without God we are on a dead end road, and there is no purpose. When we give in to the call on our lives and submit to God, we suddenly find purpose and hope. For it is not but through Christ that we even begin to live! Every one of us has a call, no matter what it may be, setting up churches, prophesying, winning souls, preaching, praying, being a mom, cleaning the bathrooms in the church and the list goes on and on. Some are destined for the big time other will lead a nameless, faceless life, some will be martyred and others will be exalted above the nations. The point God wants you to understand in this is this: No matter how great or how small you call may seem to you it is all huge to Him. Seek His face, ask Him to reveal what it is you are to do for His Kingdom. He will tell you. So today mighty men and women of God, stand up for who you are in Christ and be proud! God is…

Take a Breath

Take a Breath

Some times in this journey we call Christianity we find ourselves getting out of breath it seems. We’ve got families, jobs, ministries, friends and what seems an innumerable list of other things, that seemingly run us into the ground. This is a world where time is money, and success is synonamous with how big your house is or what kind of car you drive. So in turn people work themselves to death and do not allow any time for God. All this work and hustle-bustle, for what? Can we take what we gain with us to the other side, does it really make us any better of a person or does our souls achieve eternal life through all the things that we gain? In Ecclesiastes the preacher says that these things are all vanity, and that it really gains nothing, for he lived both sides of the story and wanted to find out what was so good about the things that the world had to offer. The more things that we put before God, the harder it becomes for us to breath. Our spirit man begins to be chocked out by the things of the world, because we see that we were created in the image and likeness of God, so our spirit naturally longs for God! The Spirit in scripture is referred to as “wind or BREATH.” When we immerse ourselves in God and His Holy Spirit we can breath freely and are able to live!!! In a time where everyone is in such a hurry God is urging His people to slow down, enjoy His blessings and take a breath.

The Eternal Rock

Isaiah 26:4 Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock.
God is always there for us, we just have to trust in Him and we can not be moved!!! Every time that we begin to doubt we just allow the devil to come in our house. If you think about a house that is built upon a solid foundation, a rock, and not something shaky that house can withstand the winds and the storms. How much more is the Eternal Rock than a temporal rock? When the waves of life come we can stand! When the winds of doubt blow we can stand! When the storms of temptations arise we can stand!!! Hallelujah!!! I encourage you in the name of Jesus, place all your trust in the Lord, and see how strong He is!!! He will never let you down or let you fall. He is our Rock and Refuge that will always abide through all eternity and will never crumble!!!

All that man is

Ecclesiastes 6:10-11
Whatever exists has already been named, and what man is has been known; no man can contend with One who is stronger than he.
The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?
What good does it do to argue with the Lord. For all that you are is already named. God knew from the beginning what kind of creature man was going to be. It is impossible to contend with One who is stronger than you, especially when He is God. The more of our vain words we use the less power and meaning they have, so accept the call on your life and move forward and further the Kingdom!!!

Bonifay House of Prayer

Well had an amazing service last night at Bonifay House of Prayer! God used me to deliver the word and it was awesome! I thank God for the call of an evangelist, and the awesome honor to speak His word!!!

Street Minista’s Polls

Everyone vote on these polls and let me know what you think!!!

God Bless,

Street Minista